Sunday, October 20, 2013

Missing in Seminary

I have been away from this space for a minute. I have daily thoughts about things to write, so in a way I have always been here. I started seminary at Candler School of Theology at Emory University. I am a blessed lady! I started walking around campus and sitting in the library a year before I even applied. I pretty much behaved like I already was a student there. I was in tears when the admission director called to tell me I was in! Now, that I am in, it has been like a walk through the wilderness as I navigate being in a rigorous academic program after being out of formal education for 13 years. (yikes) The biggest goal has been to stay above water and to not get behind in the readings. I have drowned, been resurrected and been behind in all the readings since I started. But, still I rise!!

I have been dreaming of poems and theater shows. I have wanted to dance in the halls and I have cried every week for the past 7 weeks. It is not a game and I have thought about quitting, but have been counseled off the cliff by professors, my husband and classmates. I am gonna keep showing up and keep learning until the Creator moves in another direction. I truly feel that its divine and no coincidence that I am here.

I am attempting a Masters of Divinity with a Concentration in Peace Building, Conflict Transformation and Justice.  I am hoping it will ground my performance art and theater visions. My work already has a creative empowerment bend and I hope to explore how liberation theology, meditation and creativity can intersect to transform communities dealing with violence and oppression. My dream is to work with youth to train them to be meditation and spirituality teachers. How we heal ourselves is the important work. What I strive to understand.

I am also dreaming about writing a small book of meditations on leaping towards your dreams. Stay tuned.

Get love. Give love!

Lady Terror

Artist Statement

I create art for the ones who lost their voice a long time ago. I believe that impromptu spectacles can bring awareness to social justice issues that paralyze our communities. Lady Terror examines the relationship between public space and performance space and also explores ranting as a medium to address social issues and as a tool to empower communities. My art is local and neighborhood specific in its execution but global in its ideas around poverty, injustice and violence.