Saturday, November 9, 2013

Seminary Tales: New poetry inspired by my Contextual Education

For my internship at retirement home

 You archive library
 Sacred container of memories
 You slay me
 You keeper of the kind
 You shrine of elders
 Glass box of tears
 You teach me
 You hostess of homes
 You life trophy
 You soul sighting
 You Earth alien
 You keep me
 You pillow of peace
 You liberation leader
 You show me
 You grey haired priestess
 You birth birds
 You get me
 You index card filler
 You knowledge knower
 You life sustainer
 You whole me

Tricia Hersey 2013


Ruth said...

This moved me. Thank you for sharing it.

Tricia Hersey said...

Thank you so much Ruth. This means a lot to me.

Artist Statement

I create art for the ones who lost their voice a long time ago. I believe that impromptu spectacles can bring awareness to social justice issues that paralyze our communities. Lady Terror examines the relationship between public space and performance space and also explores ranting as a medium to address social issues and as a tool to empower communities. My art is local and neighborhood specific in its execution but global in its ideas around poverty, injustice and violence.