Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The "Take what you NEED?" Project

Did you see this sign somewhere and tear off a need? Comment below to let me know you are here. I'm glad you took what you needed.

As you know by now, I am always searching for new ways to be inspired and empowered. I also enjoy stunts and the unexpected. I thrive on causing a scene and out of the box thinking. Yesterday on FB I found the above picture in my timeline and was stopped right in my tracks. I was moved by the concept of taking what you need. It reminds me of my love of manifestation and the law of attraction. If I have said it once, I have said it 1 million times: "Words heal. Words change. Words are powerful."

I am urging everyone to sit down right now with a sharpie, paper and scissors to create one of these signs. There is no better time for a mass movement of words to heal than now. We all need to be empowered right now!

1. Make a sign now.

2. Post them everywhere. Some ideas are coffee shops, your office, your school, grocery stores, on light poles, at your front door, in your cubicle, etc., etc.

3. Take a quick photo of the first day you post it.

4. Come back a week or two weeks later to see what people needed.

5. Share your photos and stories of when and where you posted it here or at my twitter page @ladyterror

6. Spread the word all over.

7. Write the link to this blog on the sign, so the person who "needs" can come here to share their thoughts on the project.

I can't wait to hear from you and see your photos. Today I made one and put it up near our front door. On the way out today, I pulled off "PEACE." What do you need right now?

Here is an example of a sign made in Chicago by my friend Coya Paz


Mary Tyler Mom said...

I love this idea and will totally share it with my readers from Mary Tyler Mom. Just finished writing about my daughter's cancer treatment and folks really connected. This is a great way to harness what they are telling me they feel. Thank you, Lady Terror. What an inspiration you gave me when I saw Coya's yesterday.

Citlalli said...

This is so awesome!! Thanx!!

Tricia Hersey said...

thanks so much mary tyler mom. i love the name of your blog by the way. so cool! so glad you were inspired. thanks also for sharing with your readers and spreading the word. i am sending healing light and vibes to your daughter as well. all the best.

Tricia Hersey said...

Citlalli thanks so much! glad that you vibed with it. spread the word. all the best.

Artist Statement

I create art for the ones who lost their voice a long time ago. I believe that impromptu spectacles can bring awareness to social justice issues that paralyze our communities. Lady Terror examines the relationship between public space and performance space and also explores ranting as a medium to address social issues and as a tool to empower communities. My art is local and neighborhood specific in its execution but global in its ideas around poverty, injustice and violence.