Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year Manifesto: Vision.

Happy New Year to everyone. I wish you all blessings and opportunities. I am spending my New Year chilling with my family and creating. I will be making Happy 2012 TerrorChic Cards for friends and family. I never got around to Christmas cards and feel way more inspired about cards to welcome in the beautiful new year. 2011 was full of many ups and downs but through it all I learned a lot about growth and creativity. I pushed myself creatively in so many ways:

-Filmed an empowerment poetry video and stunt.
-Performed as a puppeteer in the XPT Festival at the Center for Puppetry Arts
-Started crafting and created TerrorChic Designs - sold two pieces from it too!
-Lost a job and learned how to creatively survive on less income
-Gained a new creative part time job as a teaching artist at the Center for Puppetry Arts
-Re-imagned ny career goals with renewed focus on being self employed
-Got a new tattoo that represents creative freedom

I ended 2011 on a high with my Paper Arts. I am filled daily with ideas for decoupage and collage. Its amazing how once you start creating you get so much inspiration for more. I did digital vision board last year and never once looked at it. I just found it online and it was a nice to see that I had actually did many of the items (One of my favorite concepts of Law of Attraction is the belief that you don't have to stare at your vision board daily for it to manifest. Once its created it becomes a part of your unconscious intentions. The Universe doesn't need a visual aid made on paper or digitally to work for you.) I decided  to do another one this year. Check it out:

Highlights from 2012 Vision board are:
1. Travel More. Family trip to resort in Jamaica is top priority.
2. Self employed with multiple streams of income
3. Get fit by walking and running
4. Brand and push TerrorChic Designs
5. Eat healthy
6. Perform original work with Lady Terror Productions

I also discovered another cool way to display goals for the year. It is a New Years Manifesto. I found it on a cool creative and craft blog that I am now a fan of called creating clever I decided to try one and liked the results. I am jazzed about finding a printing biz to get it digitally printed on larger paper so I can hang in my bedroom.

What is your vision for 2012? 


Thriftanista in the City said...

I like it! I'm exciting about all you will experience this year. Vision will take you far.

Cward said...

I'm sooo making a vision board like this. Where you able to send me the link. I know you will knock everyone one of them off your list

Tricia Hersey said...

Thanks You guys! I can't wait to see both of you get all y our visions this year too.
Camie: I sent a link to the Oprah Board in the same email with my blog address. Did you find it and start one?

Artist Statement

I create art for the ones who lost their voice a long time ago. I believe that impromptu spectacles can bring awareness to social justice issues that paralyze our communities. Lady Terror examines the relationship between public space and performance space and also explores ranting as a medium to address social issues and as a tool to empower communities. My art is local and neighborhood specific in its execution but global in its ideas around poverty, injustice and violence.